Joining forces with industry associations
At OTC Organics we believe that we are stronger together. Did you know that we are also members of several knowledge associations and lobby groups within our branch? Let us introduce them to you:

OPTA Europe is the voice of leading organic processing and trade companies in Europe. They promote the ideas, innovations and policies that encompass the ambitious European goal to increase organic food and farming to at least 25% in 2030. OPTA also works as a networking platform for its members to exchange information, expertise and best practice.

In the Netherlands, about 100 companies account for 80% of turnover in the Dutch trade and processing of organic products. OTC Organics is one of these organisations and member of BioNederland. This association has one main purpose: to establish bonds between its members, to keep its members informed on relevant topics and to ensure joint member benefits. We will grow together!

Fresh Produce Centre represents the interests of companies involved in the sales and marketing of fruit and vegetables. Besides that it is also a source of knowledge and inspiration. Fresh Produce Centre has around 320 members. Edward Out, Managing Director of OTC Organics, has recently joined the board of Fresh Produce Center.