Spread joy and happiness
In 2018 OTC Organics started the ‘Kids Christmas Program’. Our goal is to organize an unforgettable Christmas party every year for the children of our growers. This year we’ve selected our avocado grower Zavocado located in Mexico. Thanks to the support of Zavocado, who’ve decorated the location, bought gifts & food and organized everything onsite, we were able to create a magical Christmas party for the children of all Zavocado employees.
On the 3rd of December it was Christmas Day! The children started the morning with a nutritious breakfast. After having breakfast the children were surprised with a clown show, they could paint their faces with their favorite character or animal, and even Mickey and Minnie Mouse stopped by for a visit! There were gifts, sweets, cake, smiles, a jumping bed, entertainment and much happiness for the children.

Zayra, employee of Zavocado: “We are very proud of the positive response from the parents, they really loved this surprise. Some children had never seen the location where their parents work before, so it was extra special that they could finally have a look. We had taken all safety measures so that the children could stay safely at the location. We made them feel comfortable and this resulted in little faces full of happiness and joy. They had so much fun!”
At OTC Organics we feel so lucky we’ve been part of this wonderful day. Let’s share happiness in several parts of the world! We wish you and your beloved ones Happy Holidays. Cheers for a better world, with bigger awareness about sustainability, more social fairness and equal opportunities for all.
Thank you for your support, cooperation, trust and partnership. Happy festive days and let’s meet & grow organically together again in 2023!
Your OTC Organics team