
AT OTC Organics, we enjoy summer cheer between June and October. In these months we receive supplies of what is probably the most popular citrus fruit of all: the orange! Whether you want sweet eating oranges, juicing oranges bursting with juice or a combination of these, OTC Organics can supply them to you via our South-African suppliers in the northern Cape.

Our range includes the following types of oranges:

The Valencia orange is available in the varieties Turkey, Delta and Midknight. The fruit flesh is juicy and has a refreshing, sweet flavour. The Valencia orange is an eating and juicing orange.

The Navel orange is a seedless orange with a noticeable ‘navel.’ This orange has juicy, deliciously sweet fruit flesh and is suitable as an eating or juicing orange.

This orange is smaller and rounder than the Navel and its ‘navel’ is almost closed. The fruit flesh is sweet, juicy and seedless.

The Cambria is a new variety which flourishes in the Northern Cape region. This eating orange has juicy, deliciously sweet fruit flesh thanks to its high level of natural sugars, which is characteristic for this variety.

Certification available for oranges:

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